Daily Archive: June 22, 2016

Is Live Casino The Future Of Online Gambling?

Roulette luckWe all know and love live casino – it’s one of the biggest draws of online casinos in general, with many people signing up to gambling sites and then ignoring everything except the casinos! It’s crazy, and I love it! For the five of you who don’t know what it is, allow me to explain very briefly – live casino is a special part of pretty much every single self-respecting online casino which allows you to bet in real time on physical games that are being played at some location by actual people and then streamed online to you. Let’s say, for example, that you’re playing online roulette – you’ll watch a real-life dealer sit in front of a very real roulette table as his image is being broadcast live to you. He’ll give you a few moments to place your bets on a virtual roulette table before spinning the wheel in front of him, and then the game proceeds like normal – where the ball lands determines whether you win or lose, just like in real roulette.

Many people feel that the alternative to live casino – the Flash-based games where you play against an AI – are too impersonal, and some even believe (quite mistakenly) that the games are somewhat fraudulent and manipulated against them which they’re not, at least not any more than they would be in any other casino. Additionally, some casinos have further increased the rewards that you can win at live casinos to the point where they’re reaching downright absurd levels (anyone remember that Maryland casino which sponsored a trip to outer space for its live casino winners), thus further giving players an incentive to abandon the AI and flock to the leaders. So the question now is – are we looking at the future of gambling? Will AI games become a relic of the past?

Well, it’s quite hard to say. For some games, like slots and scratch cards, the answer is quite obviously “no”, as even if someone did somehow offer a live version of them, it’d be completely pointless since their AI versions are already working so well. But other games, like blackjack and roulette, seem destined for live play in my eyes. Combine this with the fact that now it’s easier than ever to try out a live casino with a no deposit bonus, and there’s only one conclusion that we can draw. Personally, I don’t think that AI-controlled games will ever fully disappear. There’s very little point in removing something that’s already there unless it’s doing more harm than good, so as long as it’s generating some sort of revenue I think that most online casinos are just going to leave them be. However, I do think that most casinos – especially the new ones – will tend to gravitate more towards creating more live rooms than towards making more AI variations of their games. Still, we can only wait and see!