Author Archive: admin

Is High Rolling The Future Of Online Blackjack?

Online BlackjackLet’s talk a little bit about how online casinos make their profits. Trust me, it’s all going to tie together later on, but for now just bear with me and listen to what I have to say, alright? So, there’s basically three types of players that play in online casinos – they’re the same types of players which are often found playing online games and free-to-play mobile titles as well. First and foremost, we’ve got the newbies. The newbies are the most numerous group, by far. They sign up, make their first deposit, play the games, the works. Most decide that this isn’t really for them and move on to other stuff. A select few graduate into the second category, which we’ll call casuals. Casuals love to enjoy the game every once in a while, but they haven’t built their entire lifestyle around it or anything. They maybe deposit once every month or two and play for no more than an hour or two a week, if that. And then there’s the high rollers, the whales, the people who spend an absurdly large amount of money on gambling, the people who have made online casino their profession, in a way.

Now, the thing is… Casual players don’t really bring in that much profit at all. They’re mostly there because A) there’s a chance they could evolve into high rollers, and B) it’s too much work to alienate them with not enough of a reward. But let me tell you, the combined income casinos get from their average everyday players isn’t really that much at all. Their main source of revenue is the constant, continuous stream of new players (which also don’t deposit that much, but are extremely numerous in number) and the high rollers, which may be relatively few in numbers, but pay through the nose to enjoy their hobby all the time (and trust me, for every smart gambler who knows how to game the system there’s at least 3 who are simply suffering from gambling addiction and operate on the pure belief that if they make one more spin the jackpot will be theirs, but that’s an entirely different can of worms). Those are the players online casinos want to keep – the high rollers and the newbies.

But change is coming to the UK gambling scene, and new laws and regulations could change everything. For one, daytime gambling advertisement for online casinos is going to be banned on TV and social media, which is going to undercut the influx of new players significantly. Without advertisement, there’s really no way for most people to get curious about online gambling, other than word of mouth. And from the looks of things, regulations are only going to get tighter in the near future. Does that mean that the newbies will soon be practically nonexistent as a constant source of income for casinos? And if so, what does that mean for us? Well, it means that casinos will need to start making their moneys from the high rollers, and that means converting as many casuals into high rollers as possible. We can see an increase in high-risk high-reward games, entry fees for stuff like live casinos and other changes which would be useful for high roller players. It’s not really the casinos’ fault – they need to make their money somehow, right? If they don’t, they’ll shut down. But in this change forced upon them by the government they could potentially alienate a significant portion of their audience, and that’s a nightmare scenario that we should cross our fingers and hope never comes to pass.

A Machine for Online Slots – Good or Bad Idea?

SlotsYou know, when I was little, I actually had my very own slot machine! No joke, I swear on my life, it’s true! Now, don’t freak out, of course it wasn’t a real slot machine, it was just a toy that my grandmother bought me, like this one, but with “A Bug’s Life” characters and not Pokémon on the symbols (which is highly ironic because “A Bug’s Life” was made by Pixar, who are now owned by Disney, the most anti-gambling company in the world). Man, I loved this thing! It didn’t disperse any coins, it essentially acted as a glorified piggy bank, but it was so much fun to play! I’d spin those reels over and over again, trying to get that winning combination of symbols. When my slot machine finally jammed and wouldn’t spin anymore, I swear I was just completely devastated.

Now, of course, there is a reason why I’m telling you this little anecdote from my childhood, just hang in there for a little bit longer, okay? Later on, as I grew older, naturally I transitioned into physical slots, which were also extremely fun, but the added downside was that I could only play them while I was in a casino. The alternative is, of course, online slots, but… Let’s just say they’re not exactly a match for the spectacle of physical slots. I mean, sure, you can play them on your phone or tablet, which is pretty convenient, but there’s just an entirely different experience having a machine in front of you, a lever to pull, the blinking lights on a large, smooth HD screen… So that got me thinking. What if someone invented a device that would accurately recreate the slot experience at home? Think a more grown-up version of my childhood toy, just connected to the Internet and playing real slots, for real money.

Of course, at first glance this sounds like a terrible idea, but hear me out. We’re living in the age of technology, where people spend money on all kinds of stupid stuff. Apple are releasing a new iPhone every year, and without fail, people storm the shops and replace their phones every single time. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo release gaming consoles every few years, and once again they sell out at launch! Hell, Sony just announced their plans to make you buy a SECOND PlayStation 4 console, and people are eating it up! But videogame consoles and phones aren’t the only gadgets that lots of people buy. VR headsets, the latest trend, can cost between $400 and $1000, and yet pre-orders for every single one of the three major VR units dried up before launch!

Of course, there’s plenty of drawbacks and setbacks, too. One of them would, of course, be the price. I can’t imagine a proper slot machine designed for home use to sell for under $300, and even that’s generous. Another big point is that a lot of people may argue that while this is fun to have, you don’t technically NEED it to play slots at home. And yes, that may be true, but I’d counter-argue that there are plenty of people who purchase and build classic arcade cabinets even though it’s much more convenient to play those games on PC through emulation. Ultimately, while I don’t see a home slot machine with a “smart” interface being a gigantic success, I think it could easily sell a few hundred thousand units in markets like Spain and the UK where online gambling is prevalent. What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts by clicking the “Contact” button at the top!

Is Live Casino The Future Of Online Gambling?

Roulette luckWe all know and love live casino – it’s one of the biggest draws of online casinos in general, with many people signing up to gambling sites and then ignoring everything except the casinos! It’s crazy, and I love it! For the five of you who don’t know what it is, allow me to explain very briefly – live casino is a special part of pretty much every single self-respecting online casino which allows you to bet in real time on physical games that are being played at some location by actual people and then streamed online to you. Let’s say, for example, that you’re playing online roulette – you’ll watch a real-life dealer sit in front of a very real roulette table as his image is being broadcast live to you. He’ll give you a few moments to place your bets on a virtual roulette table before spinning the wheel in front of him, and then the game proceeds like normal – where the ball lands determines whether you win or lose, just like in real roulette.

Many people feel that the alternative to live casino – the Flash-based games where you play against an AI – are too impersonal, and some even believe (quite mistakenly) that the games are somewhat fraudulent and manipulated against them which they’re not, at least not any more than they would be in any other casino. Additionally, some casinos have further increased the rewards that you can win at live casinos to the point where they’re reaching downright absurd levels (anyone remember that Maryland casino which sponsored a trip to outer space for its live casino winners), thus further giving players an incentive to abandon the AI and flock to the leaders. So the question now is – are we looking at the future of gambling? Will AI games become a relic of the past?

Well, it’s quite hard to say. For some games, like slots and scratch cards, the answer is quite obviously “no”, as even if someone did somehow offer a live version of them, it’d be completely pointless since their AI versions are already working so well. But other games, like blackjack and roulette, seem destined for live play in my eyes. Combine this with the fact that now it’s easier than ever to try out a live casino with a no deposit bonus, and there’s only one conclusion that we can draw. Personally, I don’t think that AI-controlled games will ever fully disappear. There’s very little point in removing something that’s already there unless it’s doing more harm than good, so as long as it’s generating some sort of revenue I think that most online casinos are just going to leave them be. However, I do think that most casinos – especially the new ones – will tend to gravitate more towards creating more live rooms than towards making more AI variations of their games. Still, we can only wait and see!

Daughter of Dementia Patient Spends £5000 of Her Money on Online Bingo

bingoWe all love online casino, bingo and betting, right? That’s why we’re here, after all, to enjoy it and have some safe fun. However, when we’re playing, we must never, EVER forget that these activities, while awesome in small doses, are incredibly addictive, and that we must exercise our self-control and seek help when we realize we’re no longer able to. If we don’t, then we risk harming ourselves and our family. Earlier we reported that the creator of NYPD Blue spent his fortune feeding an addiction to betting. Now, it seems like even bingo – the most innocent out of all online gambling activities – has claimed a victim.

According to The Falkirk Herald, Margaret Henderson (61) was placed in charge of taking care of her 94-year-old mother’s finances after the latter was diagnosed with dementia. Henderson’s responsibilities were to pay her mother’s taxes and bills, but she decided to get a little bit creative with her future inheritance. Soon enough, the Falkirk Council social services started noticing that rather peculiar payments were being made from the elder’s account – payments which didn’t seem like they belonged to a 94-year-old woman suffering from dementia. Case in point – over £5000 were being deposited to bingo sites over a two-year period. The police were quickly alerted, and after a brief investigation into the matter Henderson was arrested.

Henderson herself admitted that she was a compulsive gambler and that she lost all of the money, which she was court ordered to return after pleading guilty to her crime. According to the woman, she suffers from agoraphobia (fear of situations that could potentially cause anxiety), which left her housebound for prolonged periods of time, and that gradually led to the addiction to bingo. “For some reason she saw an outlet in the internet and became addicted to online gambling and online bingo in particular. She used the money she took from her mother’s account to rack up some serious losses,” said Siobhan Monks, procurator fiscal depute.

Henderson is no longer in charge of her mother’s finances, but she still sees her every day. Sheriff John Mundy placed Henderson on a community payback order with the condition she complete 150 hours of unpaid work within six months. So all in all, the situation was resolved relatively peacefully – the elder Mrs. Henderson will receive her money back, and her daughter will be able to curb her addiction before it snowballs into something even worse. Not all cases of addiction can be solved that easy, though. In fact, most of them keep getting worse, spiraling out of control until it’s too late to help anyone involved. If you feel like you’re suffering from gambling addiction, please contact the respective organization in your area as soon as possible.

How to Make Online Gambling More Successful

cubeOkay, let’s make one thing perfectly clear from the get-go – online gambling is immensely successful already. The online gambling industry, as a whole, rakes in billions of dollar (estimated revenue of $50 billion for 2016, globally) every year, which is a number that has only been improving since the inception of the medium. We’re talking about absurd amounts of money here, far more than I’m ever going to see in a lifetime – or, hell, even in 50 lifetimes. But even that amount pales in comparison to the global profits of physical casino, which for 2015 was $182 billion – almost 4 times more than the entire online gambling industry combined. It’s not hard to make the conclusion that physical casinos are a whole lot more popular than online casinos, which is a shame because as we all know online casino, while not an adequate replacement for the experience that big physical casinos provide, has a whole lot of benefits over them and doesn’t deserve to be left in the dirt like that. So, how can online casinos improve their profits?

I can think of two ways this can happen. First and foremost – make players stay! More casinos than I would like operate on a principle where they only care about players for their first deposit, and that’s it. Have you ever wondered why there’s so many first deposit bonuses, but almost none for regular clients? This is why. Honestly, I don’t blame casinos for doing that – stats show that a large majority of players quit after their first deposit, with a lot of them quitting even earlier than that, so the thinking is generally something along the lines of “They’re going to quit anyway, so let’s take what we can first”. And to that, I have a very simple and very elegant solution – don’t let them quit. Create a reason for the players to stay past their first deposit. Hire a game designer working on free to play games (because gambling is essentially a huge free to play game) and have him or her work out a model which would hook the players. Think past the surface level!

Another thing that could be done is to increase the marketing efforts. I understand that a lot of countries have laws against gambling and casino ads running on TV, but I’m sure there’s a way to work around that. Back in the mid 2000s, when Microsoft released their second videogame console, the Xbox 360, ahead of their direct competitor, the PlayStation 3, they decided to take full advantage of the situation by absolutely overflooding the market. I’m not just talking about ads on TV and billboards, because those rarely work when it comes to videogames. I’m talking constant mentions in movies and TV shows. Whenever a character had to say “I’m playing videogames”, Microsoft paid up to have the line changed to “I’m playing Xbox” instead, to the point where videogames and Xbox became synonymous, almost interchangeable words. The campaign worked, and despite being an objectively inferior piece of hardware the Xbox 360 still managed to outsell its competitor by 4 million units globally. This just goes to show that, despite limitations, an intelligent marketing team can easily figure out a way to craft an effective marketing campaign. It’s a question of how, not of if. And I believe that, provided that casino operators manage to attract new members and keep them longer than for a single deposit, the online casino industry may soon rival its big brother.

The Most Popular Novomatic Slots on the Internet

The Most Popular Novomatic Slots OnlineIn this article, we’ll take a look at the most searched for online slots developed by Novomatic, one of the biggest casino software developer in the world. Novomatic are, in fact, more popular among the land-based casino players, as way more brick-and-mortar casinos feature their games compared to online casinos. Still, they do have some really nice games that you can play on the Internet as well. For more information about their products and services, you can visit Novomatic’s official website, but now, as promised, let’s take a look at their most popular online slots.

1. Book of Ra

Though it’s not that well-known in the UK, Book of Ra is one of the most popular slots in Europe. The reason for that is probably because the game is heavily featured at land-based casinos across the continent and when the players decide to switch from real-life to online gambling, they prefer games that they already know. Anyway, let’s say a few words about the game. Book of Ra is a 5-reel, 10-payline non-progressive slot which features Free Spins round and a double option. You’ll get to the free spins round by getting 3 scatter symbols and there, you will also enjoy a 2x multiplier. The RTP is pretty standard for a land-based slot, but a little bit low for an online one: 94.26%. Still, the game is pretty fun and has become a true casino classic so I do recommend you give it a go.

2. Dolphin’s Pearl

Dolphin’s Pearl is yet another 5-reel 10-line non-progressive Novomatic slot which you can play be it at land-based casinos or at Internet ones and which is especially suitable for the nature-lovers. The graphics and the animations of the game are pretty nice plus there are Free Spins and a Gamble Feature. The RTP of the game is a little bit higher than the one of Book of Ra, more precisely 95.13%, which means that you can expect better results playing this slot.

3. Reel King

I was quite surprised to find out that Reel King is among the most searched for slots in the UK. This game cannot boast great graphics or an innovative theme, yet players still prefer it to other online games. Why? Well, honestly, I think it’s because of the fact that the game resembles the old-school 3-reel slots with the cherries, plums and sevens as symbols, that they’ve already played at some land-based casino. Still, this is a 5-reel, 20-line slot which offers you a Free Spins Bonus Round and a pretty nice bet range, making it suitable for all types of players. If you do like classic slot machines and want to give this modern twist a try, then I would suggest you first read one full review of the slot game so that you can later get the most out of the game. Out of all the Reel King slot reviews that I found online, I can honestly say that I found this one the most informative: So make sure you scan through that page and you’ll be ready to go!

NYPD Blue Creator Lost Fortune To Gambling Addiction

CardsGambling addiction is among the worst addictions out there. Sure, alcohol and drugs are pretty bad, both of which can kill you, but gambling addiction, when it’s really bad and out of control, may ruin your entire life and the lives of your family and close ones. There’s a very good reason why most, if not all legitimate online casinos have links to charity organizations which can help those suffering from gambling addiction, and it’s not just because the government requests it. It’s because gambling has been specifically engineered to be addictive. It runs on the Skinner Box model, which, to keep a long story short, is essentially an experiment where rats got addicted to an activity which provided them with rewards, even when they didn’t need the rewards. Even if you know about this and think you’re safe, it’s important to know that anyone can be susceptible to gambling addiction, even when you have a million dollars in your bank account.

This fate befell the creator of numerous popular shows such as NYPD Blue and Luck, as well as a writer on Hill Street Blues, David Milch, who had to file for bankruptcy after spending his fortune of over $100 million on gambling, both offline and online. The case became public when his wife Rita filed a $25 million lawsuit against the companies managing their finances for misappropriation of funds and failure to notify the couple of their quickly draining resources. As People reports, the former millionaire is now living on a $40 a week allowance from his wife, which was a necessary measure in order to curb his destructive gambling habit. Even so, the couple had to downsize by selling off their $8.95 million estate and $4.8 million mansion and move to a rental properly in Santa Monica.

According to an attorney representing NKSFB, one of the companies that Milch had hired previously to organize his finances, the case “has [no] merits at all factually or legally”, but thus far the press has been unable to get their side of the story. Winning the lawsuit has been a priority for the family, as Milch is $17 million in debt following a streak of failed bets on horse racing made between 2000 and 2011, and as such most of what the family will receive following a success in court will be used to settle these debts. It is currently unknown what will happen to Milch if he loses the case and is unable to pay his debts, but jail time seems like a good possibility for the once successful creator. News stories like this are just as important as those depicting ordinary people winning jackpots worth millions. Gambling addiction is serious and can – and probably will – ruin your life regardless of how successful you are. If you think you may be affected, please contact the proper organizations in your country as soon as possible.

PayPal as a Deposit/Withdrawal Method at Online Casinos

Logo of PaypalAn essential part of every online casino is its cashier and the payment methods that it accepts. After all, if you want to try your luck playing casino games for real money, you’ll have to first deposit at the site and then, when you have accumulated enough bankroll, you would want to withdraw it. This is why it’s very important for the players to pick the most convenient for them payment methods and for a huge part of them that method is PayPal.

There are many reasons why players prefer this payment method to others. First of all, the company is very reputable and popular and also regulated by different financial authorities. This means that all of PayPal’s customers enjoy great level of security and that when using this payment service their personal details as well as their money are safe. Secondly, when they use PayPal at online casinos, they only have to provide to the gambling operator the email with which they’ve registered at the site of the payment processor. This way, they conceal from the casino sensitive information such as credit or debit card numbers or bank accounts.

Another perk of using PayPal at online casinos is the speed. As it is an e-wallet, it takes less than 10 minutes for a deposit to be processed and withdrawals could happen in many cases in less than 24 hours which is quite fast compared to most other payment methods where withdrawals take up to 5 business days. The speed of the transactions is also very useful for the experienced players that switch between casinos to take advantage of different bonus opportunities.

Disadvantages of Using PayPal and Best Casinos that Accept It

If you think about it, there are only two drawbacks to using PayPal at gambling sites. The first one is that not all online casinos support the payment method and the second is that some casinos have fees for deposits and/or withdrawals executed with this payment method. This is why, if you want to play real money games with a PayPal deposit, it’s not only important to pick a casino that accepts the payment method, but also one where the transactions with this specific payment service are free. You can find some great suggestions for such operators in this list of the top 4 PayPal casino sites. No matter which site you choose, you’ll be guaranteed 100% privacy and security, as all of those sites are licensed and regulated by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. Also, all four sites are regularly audited by independent testing agencies which make sure that the outcome of all hands is absolutely random and prepare payout reports which then the operators themselves post on their websites for everyone to see. Last but not least, the four suggested casinos support various gambling charities and help their customers prevent problem gambling by providing them with useful information about responsibility in gambling and tools for self-monitoring and self-exclusion.

Welcome on Board

gambling casinoHello, and welcome to my newly-opened blog! The day has finally come for me to start my own blog and I’m pretty excited about that opportunity! I’m happy that I will share with you all the latest news in the world of online gambling and everything I know about my passion – casino and gambling. I’m aware that there are probably thousands of blogs about gambling news out there, but I will maintain my intention to make it a place, where you can get quick access to the essential bingo news and find the info you need in a quick and easy way!
Well, before I continue, let me give you some more information about myself. I live in London and I’m studying Economics at a local university. Apart from the studying, I like playing casino games on the PC and that’s why I love keeping myself updated with the latest news around. I follow the latest news around casinos and I’ve subscribed to receiving newsletters from a few major news blog. I love being up-to-date with the operators’ latest offers and promotions, so I spend quite some time finding sources of information. As I know how hard it is to find all you need on one place, I decided to help other casino players like me to find everything they’d like to know from a single source. My blog is planned to be a place, where you will be able to share your own experience with the casino operators and why not share your advice.
In this informational blog, I aim to post news and articles with useful info about how to succeed in online gambling and I will share with you the strategies and helpful that works on me. However, I’m open to receiving more information from you – I would love to hear any ideas that you may have, explore new operators or just share your feedback about my blog.
I hope you enjoy reading my posts and find some helpful data on my blog!